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講座大師 - 第十四屆
朱經武 教授


An Exciting Odyssey of a Physicist: from a bench scientist to a university president and back

According to Mark Twain, the famed American author and humorist, man’s noblest delight in life is DISCOVERY – to know that you are walking where no others have walked; that you are beholding what no human eye has seen; that you are breathing a virgin atmosphere. Indeed, what better joy can there be for a scientist than to discover a new material, a new phenomenon or a theory; for a philosopher than to give birth to a new thought; for an entrepreneur than to create new wealth; for a university president than to develop a haven for innovation and creativity; or for an explorer to find a new world? Discovery goes beyond science. It is discovery that has changed for the better this world where we live.

          To discover involves pushing back the frontier, thinking outside the box, dreaming the impossible dream and taking the unthinkable risk. The human spirit, courage and ingenuity displayed by these discoverers are always a great inspiration for us all.  In the 18th Century, the US had Ben Franklin who was an embodiment of these all: a scientist, a statesman, a diplomat and an entrepreneur. In the 20th Century, China had Professor Wu Chien-Shiung, a dedicated mother and wife, as evidenced by her accomplished son, Vincent, and a distinguished physicist husband, Yuan Chia-Liu; a great physicist, as exemplified by her Nobel quality work on beta-decay among others;  and an able administrator, as demonstrated as the President of the American Physical Society. 

          The path of discovery is full of excitement although occasionally dotted with the agony of defeat. In this talk, similar to Professor Wu but in a smaller way, I would like to share with you the excitements of a scientist in finding his new compounds in a laboratory in Houston since 1977, developing an intellectual powerhouse in Hong Kong (2001-2009) and searching for room temperature superconductivity in Houston since 2001. Life is full of never ending dreams and excitements and life of a scientist goes beyond science. I am confident that, similarly, many dreams and much excitement are waiting for you.

根據馬克吐溫 (Mark Twain)的說法,美國著名的幽默作家,一個人在生活上最崇高的喜悅就是「發現」—知道你正走在沒有其他人曾經走過的地方;你正在看沒有其他人曾經看過的東西;你正在呼吸最原始純潔的空氣。的確,對科學家而言,還有什麼樣的喜悅會超過發現一個新材料、一個新現象、或是一個新理論? 對哲學家而言,最大的喜悅莫過於孕育出一個新思想;對企業家而言,則是創造新財富;對大學校長而言,則是發展出一所創新和創造的樂園;或者對探險家而言,則是發現一處新世界。「發現」超越了科學,也由於「發現」而使我們生活的世界變得更好。

「發現」推展了我們的思維邊界,讓我們跳出框外思想,夢想不可能的夢境和闖蕩超乎想像的風險。那些發現者的精神、勇氣、和才智給予我們很大的鼓舞。十八世紀時,美國有富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin) 做為發現者的典範,他是一位科學家、政治家、外交家、和企業家。二十世紀時,中國有吳健雄教授作為典範,她是一位非常顧家的母親和妻子,這可從她相夫教子的成就看出來:兒子袁緯承事業有成;夫婿袁家騮是一位傑出的物理學家。她也是一位偉大的物理學家,在貝他(β)衰變的研究工作上,她做出了諾貝爾獎等級的成就;她也是一名能幹的行政工作者,獲選擔任美國物理學會的會長。

The Exciting World of Nothingness

In 2006, I was invited by the organizer to speak at “The Dalai Lama Symposium on Spirituality and Science in the Modern World” and to have a dialogue with the Dalai Lama in Houston. I immediately found common ground between Buddhism and superconductivity: the state of nothingness, i.e. the absence of material desires for Buddha and the absence of electrical resistance for a superconductor. It turns out that the state of nothingness is also a state of richness. To acquire such a state demands extreme dedication and total effort. In return, it offers enlightenment and joy in the life of the practitioner. As a physicist, I have been a beneficiary of such a state for decades. I continue to enjoy the excitement of new discoveries in the field of superconductivity and continue to practice my hobby while getting paid. Indeed, to be a scientist is perhaps the best job on earth. In this lecture I shall share with you some of the excitement of triumph as well as the agony of defeat in the world of nothingness, during the long search for novel superconductors with higher transition temperature, after a brief review of the attainment of low temperature and of superconductivity.



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