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講座大師 - 第十八屆
何文程 教授
講題1:Seeing is Believing: the power of microscopy

The ability to see has enabled animals and humans to increase the awareness and understanding of their surroundings. Since humans are endowed with the insatiable curiosity and entrepreneurship, the desire to see increasingly small objects has led to the invention of successive instruments that empower the resolution of the eyes. Each jump in the magnification opens a new window for viewing the microscopic world, enabled by the invention of the magnifying glass, the compound microscope, the field ion microscope (FIM), the transmission electron microscope (TEM), and the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Since all the matter that we see around us are composed of atoms, the ability to first image individual atoms by the FIM was a significant accomplishment. The invention of the TEM ushered in a powerful tool for materials analysis, including imaging of organic compounds and biological matter in real space that complements structural determination by x-ray diffraction in the momentum space. The most recent invention of the electron microscopes is the STM which is based on the quantum mechanical phenomenon of electron tunneling. In the STM, the electrons have energies < 5 eV and thus are less likely to decompose molecules in the sample compared to electrons in the TEM that have at least a thousand times high energies. In this speech, we will highlight some applications of the STM to capture images of atoms and molecules, to resolve their inner components, to measure different types of molecular excitations, and to visualize a number of basic, yet abstract concepts in quantum mechanics that are currently taught in high school chemistry and physics courses.

從放大鏡,光學顯微鏡,穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM),場離子顯微鏡(FIM),到掃描穿隧顯微鏡(STM),每一次技術的革新,都進一步開啟了我們對於微觀世界的新視野。例如場離子顯微鏡的成功,讓人類第一次能夠直接觀察原子,而穿透式電子顯微鏡則是實空間材料分析的重要工具 ,在包含了生物和有機材料在內的廣泛領域和X光繞射等相空間的結構分析技術互補分工。
影片 Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RlFXV-VWoE
影片 Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l7hxBe7Ezs
影片 Part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcVwhl6kMhM
講題2:Imaging the Nature of the Chemical Bond: a new window for viewing molecular sciences

Röntgen's x-rays striking his wife's hand in 1985 gave the first photograph below the skin of the human body that previously was invisible to the human eyes. The scaffold of bones defined the hand's structure and function. On a much smaller scale, chemists have drawn ball-and-stick models to represent molecules since the dawn of modern chemistry. The skeletal scaffold conveyed similarly the structure and reactivity of molecules. In 2013, we developed the inelastic tunneling probe (itProbe) based on the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) that imaged the positions of each atom and bond within a single molecule, as well as intermolecular interactions. The itProbe enabled the visualization of a molecule as a skeletal scaffold covered by a cloud of outer electrons, much like the fresh covering the bones. Such a probe can be used to image a wide range of molecules and new understanding into the bonding mechanisms can be discovered to reveal previously unknown chemistry of molecules. The itProbe enables a new window for the visualization of chemistry and strives to remove abstraction in the teaching of chemistry and simultaneously impacts research directions. This speech focuses on the extension of the STM to investigate one of the central dogmas of chemistry that relates the molecular structure to the reactivity. We will describe how these measurements are made and apply the technique to several examples that image the nature of the chemical bond.

2013年,在掃描穿隧顯微鏡(scanning tunneling microscope (STM))的基礎上,我們發展出了可以同時觀察到分子內原子位置,鍵結和分子間交互作用的非彈性穿隧探針(inelastic tunneling probe (itProbe))。 如同X光讓我們看到包覆在肌膚下的骨骼,藉由itProbe,我們得以觀察到藏在外層電子雲裡的分子結構。
影片 Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM4G3qyF-6Q
影片 Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqnL_Cz3okc
影片 Part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlMWqXY5zqI
影片 Part 4 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmqDc4cqIcs


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